But, another day, because today is time for Currently with Farley. If you aren't quite sure what it is all about, head over to her blog Oh Boy, It's Farley! She just got a new blog design, and ya'll it is precious!
Listening: We don't have cable, so my background noise is ETV classics. I've learned a lot in the last few weeks.
Loving: Since moving at the first of the year, I decreased my daily commute from an hour and 25 minutes - yes, you read that right - to 25 minutes. I have gained 2 hours of my life back :) Partner that with a position that allows me to walk out of school at a decent hour and I have almost 4 hours back to my day.
Thinking: We moved into a new to us house and it is painted with a lot of different shades of yellow - every room is different. Throw in green and I need a new paint scheme. I wanted to go all white because it is a farmhouse after all. But, I can't decide white, or neutrals.
Wanting: Could be needing as well. A new pair of jeans because I have outgrown the old ones. I just need to get in gear and take better care of myself and then I'll have about 5 pairs of barely worn jeans at my disposal.
Needing: Sewing is not my gift, so I need to find someone who can teach me the basics. I need curtains desperately and boy are they expensive to purchase.
Swooning: Our 1895 farmhouse is my love and swoon today. The gingerbread trim and the leaded glass windows. A claw foot tub and sun porch....oh, it is perfect!