Monday, November 25, 2013

My Truth Monday (on a Tuesday)

A quick little post because I need a mental escape right now.  It's the eve of Thanksgiving vacation and Denise over at Sunny Days in 2nd Grade has us talking about a real vacation.  Gah...a girl can dream, right?!

If you are thinking that the below picture looks familiar, if you've seen the movie The Goonies, this is where the ending scenes were filmed.
Anyone willing to come with me?
Link up with Denise and take a mental vacation!


  1. Purple starfish!?! I want to see those! I went to the Oregon coast once long ago.... your little post makes me want to go back! Thank you!!

    Crayons and Whimsy

  2. Sounds beautiful! I've only been to the Northwest once, but I loved it and want to go back...even more now! :-)

    The Craft of Teaching


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