Tuesday, July 30, 2013

2013-14 Goals...Yes, It's That Time!

School begins for me today!  Teachers are back and we have a huge district training today.  I say huge, but that term is relative.  There are ONLY 5 schools in my new district - 2 primary, 2 intermediate, and 1 middle school.  The middle school has about 1,000 kids and the 4 others all run around 250.  Compared to my previous district, this is a small drop in the pond.  However, the entire district is getting together today for a motivational kick-off for the year.  Kind of a nice touch, don't ya think?

School starting means big changes for me.  I've stepped out of the classroom this year to some degree.  I'll be working primarily with teachers, but will be in classrooms throughout the week observing, evaluating, working with students, team teaching, modeling strategies, and conducting field testing.  The new role I am in has a full plate plus the dessert plate, salad plate, bread basket, and soup bowl.  So, when I saw I Heart Recess' linky, I knew I had to write down a few goals to get me focused and to remain on track.

 Personal:  I've done so well running/walking this summer that I want it to continue into the fall.  I am so guilty of working until dark that I'm fearful that I won't be able to get it in during the daylight hours.  But, I have to.  In order to do my job well, I have to take care of myself.  That also means, not eating in the cafeteria.  I have a fridge in my room and my plan is to keep it stocked with fresh fruit and veggies. We'll see how this plays out.

Organization:  Because I am evaluating teachers and conducting walk-throughs to see implementation of strategies, I HAVE to keep my calendar busy.  There is no way I can organize my time if I don't write it all down.  It will save my sanity!

Planning:  There are no lesson plans to write, per say!  I still have to write for my weekly teachers' meeting and that is a different level of planning, but I shouldn't have to spend my Sunday night working on plans for a regular classroom.  Of course, that is where my calendar and organization will come in handy.

Professional:  I've been talking about it for years, but it is now time to start that doctorate.  Many of the teachers in my building have their EdS, so I think I need to start it.  I haven't decided the course I'll take yet, but would like to start in the spring.

Motto:  Keep Calm and Ask Questions - In this new position, I can't just jump into something without knowing what I am doing.  In my own classroom, sometimes we, as in the students and I, would figure things out as we delved into new territory.  With technology, I figure things out as I go.  With this position, I can't do that, so I have to take a deep breath and ask questions if I need to.  Huge jump for me.

I'm linking up with I Heart Recess today!  Hop on over and add your goals!


  1. I just found your blog through the linky. I'm a new follower. Our personal goals are about the same. I need to leave work early enough to exercise as well!

    Hunter's Tales from Teaching

    1. Thanks for following, Bethany! I left early today, but I'm exhausted...maybe tomorrow :)

  2. Great goals! I am so done with Sunday night planning!

    Foreman Teaches

  3. Replies
    1. It was great, but tomorrow is my first opportunity to work with my teachers in my new role. Enjoy the rest of your summer.

  4. Good Luck on your new job! It seems like you have a big and exciting year ahead. I like the motto. It's hard to learn if you don't ask questions.
    Lessons Learned Lessons Loved

  5. Good luck! I've been looking at further advanced degrees, but haven't found anything yet that makes me want to go back and spend money!

    :) Kaitlyn
    Smiles and Sunshine

  6. I think your new position sounds freaking awesome! That is exactly what I would want to do if I wasn't in a classroom of my own. I'm also a new follower having found you through the linky. Can't wait to hear more about your new job.

    (And yep, your district is a drop in the pond....we have 5 high schools, 7 middle schools, 30-something elementary buildings!)

    The Caffeinated Teacher


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