Monday, August 18, 2014

Google Apps: Slides

Last week I shared my love for all things Google and focused primarily on Google Forms.  This week to continue our Google Apps focus, we're focusing on Google Slides.  If you are a Power Point friend, Google Slides will be an easy transition.

Just like last week, we are going to start by signing into Google. Once you've done that, click on the 3x3 tiles..
Depending on how often you use Google Apps, your menu may look different than mine.  I had to click on "Even more from Google" to get to Google Slides.

Once you have entered the main page of Google, scroll down to the Home/Office section and click "Slides."

You'll then be presented with the start screen.  You will see previously created Slides presentations or those that were shared with you.  Continue to work on these, or click the + on the bottom right to create a new presentation.

Next choose a theme.  These are pretty basic, but you do have the option to import a theme. This can be a Power Point presentation theme that you have used.  Just save it as blank slides. 

Once you have chosen your theme, the screen looks very similar to Power Point.  

  1. This button will take you directly back to the start screen.
  2. Click here to name your presentation.
  3. Click the + sign to add slides.
  4. If you want to add comments to a presentation that you have created or one that has been shared, do so by clicking here.
The rest is pretty self explanatory.  

Background allows you to change the colors of backgrounds. Layout lets you choose different organization templates for your slides, and transition is where you go to change how one slide changes to another.  

I love Google Slides! It's pretty easy to start and finish a simple presentation in a short amount of time, making it perfect for classroom use.  I like that there aren't a ton of options that students would get bogged down with and lose focus.  My favorite feature is the automatic saving.  How many times have we all had those students who forget to save their work and then lose it all?! 

Happy First Day to School!  We start tomorrow with kiddos!  Looking forward to seeing how you use Google Slides this year!

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